Stations of the Cross

This proved to be more difficult to produce than I had originally considered. ChatGPT has content filters for what it can produce when asked. We (at least I) tend to think of the Bible in nursery rhymes or that it is G rated. However nothing could be further from the truth. Most Roman Catholics and Orthodox have an effigy of a man nailed to a cross, which has been normalized into our conciseness since our birth. The truth is that the Bible deals with very adult themes. From torture to what some might call genocide, and many things in between. Asking ChatGPT to make images that were inspired by some of the Stations of The Cross often failed as they were not acceptable to the content filters.

Jesus is condemned to death

Jesus carries His cross

Jesus falls the first time

Jesus meets His mother, Mary

Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry the cross

Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

Jesus falls the second time

Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem

Jesus falls the third time

Jesus is stripped of His garments

Crucifixion: Jesus is nailed to the cross

Jesus dies on the cross

Jesus is taken down from the cross

Jesus is laid in the tomb

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